Regiment Running: Interview with Neil Murphy

          As I was out and about, meeting new people and seeing familiar faces at Savage Race last weekend, I saw a black flag with a red R logo flying through the air at the starting line.   The flag was held by a member of Team Regiment as well as tires around the necks and on the shoulders of other team members.I have seen this flag at several obstacle course races and had to catch up with Neil Murphy.  Neil  is the co-founder of Team Regiment and has been hosting events called the T3 since forming Regiment Running with his partner.  I had the opportunity of interviewing Neil after Savage Race about Team Regiment and the T3 hosted through Regiment Running.



What is Regiment Running and what is your involvement?

If MudRunFun is the nation, team regiment is a state in that nation.  We consider ourselves part of team MRF but our RRRRteam has a very unique personality.  We pride ourselves in running multiple laps of OCRs, and carrying heavy things through those events as well.  We do this because we believe that our actions can inspire others to push themselves a little further, because who wants to be beaten by the guy carrying a tire?  Overall, I’d say that our team’s personality is about 60% OCR, and 40% rucking.”

“I am the co-founder of Team Regiment. I help organize and run our Tough Training Trials (T3) events, where our team’s elites are born.  Aside from that, my involvement in the team is the same as everybody else’s – I go to OCR/Ruck events and have a good time!”


RRHow did you come up with your logo?

“We wanted to keep it simple.  The two colors of red and black represent mud and blood – the two things you’ll encounter during an OCR.  The R is also represents a simplified representation of a faster runner leading and inspiring the person behind them.  It’s a simple design that’s a tip o’ the hat to the phrase of “less is more”.”


What is the T3 and what does it stand for?

“The T3 is an abbreviation for the Tough Training Trials (T3, get it?  Hah!)  To help our teammates progress in their goals, we set up a fun ranking system to celebrate the milestones that people accomplish.  The highest ranking of elite can only be obtained by enduring the 12+ hour 17+ mile T3.  Think of the T3 as the ‘sampler dish’ of all endurance events.”RR2

“The thing about the T3 is that it’s designed to push you to your limit as each lap progresses.  Lap 0 is an eye-opening PT session from hell, where Lap 1 saps away your strength, Lap 2 wipes out your endurance (this is where the long run occurs), Lap 3 forces you to work together because by that point you will fail otherwise.  Lap 4 is designed to attack the last line of defense you have – your mind.  For many, finishing the T3 is the final check in the box for people to confirm that they’re ready for the big events out there such as the Ultrabeast, GORUCK Challenge, Spartan Hurricane Heats and more.”


How did you come up with the idea of the T3?

“Training.  As silly as it sounds, Ben (the other co-founder) and I were scared of our first Tough Mudder, so we took our weekly training sessions and mashed it into one all-day long event to simulate the stress we thought our bodies would encounter at the Tough Mudder.  Months later, we finished our Tough Mudder like it was the easiest challenge ever!  As it turns out… our tough training trials were much, much harder than the big scary Tough Mudder.  This was a big deal, because that told us RRRthat we just might have what it takes to bring our skill to the next level.  As a weak fella who couldn’t run a half mile without having to stop to rest, it was an eye-opening experience that led me further down the rabbit hole of OCR.”



How should someone train for a T3?

“It’s all mental.  Get used to doing something for 10+ hours.  You cannot build a reputation on what you’re going to do, so focus on your current task and stay positive.  As soon as you let negativity creep into your psyche it will devour you without mercy. “



What kind of shoes should someone wear to T3?

“It depends.  Some people prefer the more rugged ruck-friendly shoes.  Use something that can go nonstop for 10+ hours and not mangle up your feet that bad.  Personally, I like the lightweight Adidas ClimaCools.”

What other items should someone bring to a T3?

“Aside from your bricks and ruck, you won’t have to bring much really.  All hydration and snacks are provided by the cadre and are given to you after every lap is complete.  Just wear something to get wet and dirty in.  Sometimes we’ll have T3 pre-game challenges just to gut-check everybody in the class.  One time they had to bring specific colored 6 sided dice as well as a 15.5” strip of duct tape that listed the names and ages of the class.”


RegimWhat are the benefits of completing the T3?

“I can’t tell you that.  Each person experiences something different when they attempt the T3.  There is a big myth that to complete the T3 you have to be a champion at everything and that you podium every event.  Although some elites do podium events, the reality of the T3 is that a champion isn’t created atop a podium – it’s created from within.”


Is there anyone that has done the T3 more than once?

“Absolutely!  Of our elites, about 50% of them returned to another T3 for ‘continuous learning’.  It also helps to note that if you do more than one T3, you can qualify to be the cadre for future T3s.  Our St. Augustine T3 was evident of that rule after they had to carry Ortega’s (another team Regiment member) balls!”


How has regiment running helped you?regiment

“It got me off the couch and changed my perspective in life!  I was never an athletic person before, and I had a dismal outlook on humanity.  After realizing I’m a total downer to the people who know me and after seeing the scale read 205, I saw an ad for the Warrior Dash back in 2010.  It was time to step out of my comfort zone!  I rallied my friends to get together and train for this event, but the ten who wanted to train dwindled down to just two when it was showtime.  We called this un-dedicated and disjointed group of people “The Regiment”.  Seeing that we’ve got 250+ people in the group now, it’s helped inspire me to continue my training and inspire others to go through the same transformation that I’ve experienced.  Team Regiment has helped me out of a depressive funk that was dragging others down and changed the way I view others.”



When is the next regiment event and how does someone join the events?

“The next T3 will be sometime in the mid-summer, but we have plenty of other events!  Here is our breakdown of training events –“

T1 (Training) – every M/W/F at 5pm

T2 (Tough Training) – usually a week before or after a T3

T3 (Tough Training Trials) – Once every 3-4 months



There ya have it! Check out Regiment Running to see videos, reviews, photos and when you can register for the next T3! Completing a T3 will not only be a great accomplishment but you will also meet other awesome people that just want to train and have a good time! Maybe you can even be the one holding the flag at the starting line at your next race!Regi




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    Apr 23, 2014 @ 02:13:06

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    Interview with Neil Murphy, Co Founder of Regiment Running


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