Feature of the Week

Would you like to be featured or have someone inspiring featured!?

Well here is how to get the Feature of the Week spot!

You will be featured on this website mudcrazy.wordpress.com , facebook.com/areyoumudcrazy & twitter.com/areyoumudcrazy

1. Send a bio of you or the inspirational person you know.
2. Answer the why, how, who helped you, when, any other information you want about who you are and what inspires and keeps you going!
3. Your website if you have one *Please do not include any discount page websites*
4. A few short blurbs and/or pictures that I can post every day of the week about you (If you want to) on my MUDCRAZY page on facebook.com/areyoumudcrazy
Attach pictures if you would like me to put them onto your bio and blog.

This is your chance for people to hear your story. INSPIRE SOMEONE! This is your chance to show the world how AMAZING you are! This is also a chance to feature someone that inspires you to do greatness! Fitness is the main goal of these bios but I will post other inspiration as well if you think that someone should be known for the AWESOME qualities!
Send all information to jnikki1787@gmail.com

Hope to see the email soon!

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